This pump can handle temperatures up to 200 degrees F (Model D pump) and up to 210 degrees F (Model P low NPSH pump). This unit is floor mounted for low piped gravity returns and comes with standard 3/16th” thick black steel receiver allowing for use in narrow access areas, however, there are options for heavier thickness. To limit corrosion, receivers are also available in 300 series stainless and most receiver sizes can be epoxy or plasite-lined. Sizes range from 49 gallons up and custom receivers can be made for special applications. An electrical solenoid make-up water valve with float switch control is standard and units come in simplex or duplex design with other configurations if required. Motors come 1750 RPM or 3500 RPM in single or three phase and units are equipped with bronze-fitted Model D or Model P pumps with mechanical seals rated for temps up to 250 degrees F. Special faces and higher temp seals are also available, and pumps can be mounted vertically or horizontally.